
19th Aug 2020



About project

Project description

API, MySQL, Vue.js, Laravel, PHPLanguages/Technologies: PHP, Laravel Framework 8, JS, VUE JS (PWA), API, NovaDatabase: MySQL 8.0Tools: Visual Code, Web Storm, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Adobe Edge AnimateVersion Control Systems: GIT 

Description: Interchim is a company operating in the field of green chemistry, and its goal is to implement a wide range of environmentally friendly projects and ideas in the field of chemistry. We have created a unique design for a unique product in the world. The site was created with the aim of attracting an audience to this product. The goal was to come up with a user-friendly interface for viewing a product list and viewing product information.


- Using the Agile Project Management Method

- Proving rates to external clients by implementing API’s using Web API

- Database design and implementation (optimization)

- Architecture development

- Code verification, manual testing, and refactoring

- Task management and quality control on different stages of the development process

- SEO module

Tech Stack

Tech Stack


  • Javascript
  • HTML / CSS
  • VUE JS


  • Laravel
  • PHP


  • PHP Storm

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