Why Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks

This article will focus on Laravel. Let's talk about the features of this framework and find out why it is suitable for the enterprise.

07th Aug 2020
6 minute read

Why Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks for startups and enterprises

This article will focus on Laravel. Let's talk about the features of this framework and find out why it is suitable for the enterprise.

Large businesses and startups often develop products from scratch. At the beginning of the path, the choice of the framework plays a huge role. A mistake at this stage is expensive — because of the wrong framework, you can get a failed or mediocre product.

One of the first questions for businesses is the programming language in which the framework should be written. PHP looks like a favorite here for two reasons. First — there are a lot of PHP programmers on the market. Second — there are several good frameworks written in this language.

The next question after choosing the language is which framework to choose for the enterprise. If startups can afford to experiment, mature companies usually need reliability and stability. The Enterprise can't risk using experimental technology. If the developers of the new framework stop supporting it, the business will be left with nothing.

So what makes Laravel almost the perfect framework for business? The short answer is a lot. But below we will take a detailed look at the most important factors that make Laravel a leader among PHP frameworks.

What makes Laravel the best business framework

According to the BuiltWith resource, the popularity of Laravel is steadily growing. And the leaders in the number of sites on this framework are the United States and the United Kingdom.

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The main factors influencing the popularity of this framework are listed below.

Laravel supports functional, integration, and unit testing

When developing enterprise software, it is very important to be able to run tests. The quality of the product depends on it. When working with Laravel, you can do without third-party tools, since the framework natively supports component testing.

Applications created on Laravel are easily scaled

When you need to scale an application on Laravel, you just take it and scale it. The framework has native tools, such as Laravel Cache for caching, Laravel Horizon for queuing, and other Eloquent services that can use the capabilities of cloud services. A Laravel project can be integrated with GitHub, CircleCI, Docker, Amazon Web Services, and so on.

Laravel has a well-developed ecosystem of tools that can be used to work with enterprise-class projects

Laravel is an open-source project, developers love to do something for it. As a result, there are tools around Laravel for solving various tasks-from small applications for sharing and commenting on photos to large applications that are used by huge Fortune 500 companies. Moreover, your developers can contribute to these projects, create new ones or modify existing ones according to the needs of your company. A good example is Laravel Socialite. This tool provides authentication via Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub, GitLab, and bitbucket.

Laravel is an open-source project

Laravel is a 100 % open source project. This opens up great opportunities for customization, modification, and expansion, and here Laravel surpasses many popular frameworks.

Laravel follows best development practices and provides a large selection of design patterns

Laravel uses the same libraries as Symfony. These frameworks follow the best development and design practices. Therefore, these projects are compatible. This is especially important for enterprise software, as it allows you to maintain a clean, minimalistic, and efficient code base that is easy to modify.

Technical features of Laravel

Applications on Laravel provide better performance compared to applications created with other frameworks. This is also possible thanks to the caching system. The file caching driver stores many items in the file system. This allows you to quickly develop applications.

Laravel provides a simple and efficient authentication system. It even provides access control to resources. This allows you to restrict the access of unauthorized users to certain resources.

Laravel provides application security. The framework's codebase is protected from threats such as SQL injection or cross-site request forgery (CSRF). This protects users from losing important data.

Here are some more technical features that make Laravel the best PHP framework:

  • The built-in Eloquent ORM. This system allows you to work with different databases using the ActiveRecord template implementation. Thanks to Eloquent ORM, you can work with databases without having to write complex SQL queries. 
  • Blade Templates. Laravel supports MVC architectural design. It allows you to separate the user interface from business logic. Laravel also supports the Blade template engine, which allows you to use native PHP code. 
  • It offers you a high speed of development. Laravel allows you to create applications quickly, as developers can do without complex code in the process. As noted above, the framework is built on the MVC architecture, which provides access to all the necessary infrastructure for creating a site and saves time. 
  • Efficient traffic management. If the site is popular, the application must process a large number of requests every second. This increases the load on the server and the cost of hosting. Moreover, due to the high load, the server may stop responding, which sometimes leads to data loss. With Laravel, such risks are minimized, since the framework implements a unique message queuing system. This system balances the load on the server, which ensures smooth operation and data safety.


Each enterprise is unique. When developing applications, each business makes a unique list of its needs, software requirements, and performance tracking indicators. If you are upgrading an existing application or creating a new one from scratch, always start with the requirements for the characteristics of this application and think about why you specify such requirements. Answers to these questions are needed to make decisions about the application architecture. If possible, you also need to consider local and hybrid deployments. This way you will make sure that your choice is compatible with the languages and frameworks you use. For enterprise projects, Laravel is the best choice among PHP frameworks.

07th Aug 2020

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